How language and culture impact behaviour - my interview with Human Risk podcast
I had the pleasure of joining Christian Hunt on his Human Risk podcast to chat about language, culture and behaviour.

I've talked a lot about how much of behavioural science research is based on people in so-called WEIRD countries while a large percentage of the world’s population doesn’t live in that type of environment.
We chatted about how the culture we live in, the language we speak, and other contextual elements, can all impact how we make decisions - and why it matters if we're trying to understand and influence others. One of the questions we covered included what that might mean for companies who try to impose global standards or cultures. As usual, I couldn't help but bring dog training into the discussion - surprisingly, it has a lot in common with how we try to influence human decision-making and even cross-cultural psychology.
You can find the episode here and on most podcasting platforms!